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Decade of (in)action​: Are corporate 2030 climate plans fit for purpose?

9 April 2024 | 15:00 – 16:00 CET | ONLINE

Major corporations around the world lay claim to being climate champions with their “net zero” pledges and “carbon neutral” products and services. But how seriously are these multinational companies tackling the climate emergency? Which are taking genuine green action, and which are engaged in greenwashing? The annual Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM) assesses and investigates the climate claims and strategies of some of the world’s largest firms to separate the heroes from the zeros of climate action.

Join us on Tuesday, 9 April at 3 pm CET for the virtual launch of the 2024 CCRM and find out which corporations are serious about climate action and which are simply out to greenwash their image.


Main findings of the report

  • Thomas Day, NewClimate Institute
  • Sybrig Smit, NewClimate Institute

Policy recommendations

  • Benja Faecks, Carbon Market Watch 
  • Alexis McGivern, Oxford Net Zero
  • Guillaume Bone, WWF France
  • Jonathan White, Client Earth

Q&A and panel discussion

Moderation by Sabine Frank, Carbon Market Watch

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