Carbon Dioxide Removal in the EU: pitfalls and opportunities

Date: 27 April 2022

Time: 15:00-16:20 CET

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) refers to activities that take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and store it permanently. Most IPCC AR6 decarbonisation pathways require some amount of carbon removals to keep warming to 1.5 degrees. However, risk-averse climate strategies aim to minimise the reliance on CDR as they can have serious land-use impacts, costs, shift responsibility to future generations and be used to delay emissions reductions.

The EU climate policy framework already covers CDR, but the current Fit For 55 revision process is bringing CDR to the foreground of EU ETS and ESR/CARE discussions as well. Nevertheless, there remains a lot of confusion on what CDR is and is not, what role it can play and how to incentivise it.

How can the EU create a framework for carbon dioxide removal in a way that avoids perverse incentives?

Join us on Wednesday 27 April for the online event on Carbon Dioxide Removal in the EU.


Welcome and introduction by the hosts (5 min)
MEPs Jytte Guteland and Michal Wiezik

What is carbon dioxide removal and what is not? (10 min)
Jessica Strefler (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)  (TBC)

Q&A (5min)

Nature-based removals: BECCS and carbon farming; dispelling myths and identifying opportunities (10 min)
Michael Norton, European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
Célia Nyssens (EEB)   

Q&A (5min)

The future of CDR in the EU (10 min)
Duncan McLaren (University of Lancaster)
Ulriikka Aarnio (Climate Action Network Europe)

Reactions from the host MEPs (10 min)

Q&A (20 min)

Conclusion (5 min)
Wijnand Stoefs (Carbon Market Watch)


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