Sign on to the international open letter
Along with partners around the world we will submit an open letter to the UNFCCC and its member states calling for the End of the Clean Development Mechanism. We are calling on more support from civil society to join over 60 organisation around the world currently signed on:
Read Open Letter SIGN ON here! Background
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With the aim of unifying the voice around our ENDtheCDM campaign, we have launched a social media appeal asking civil society and citizens to support our message on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin from 09:00-10:00am Tuesday 4 December 2018 @COP24.
This social media action will coincide with the sending of an International Civil Society Open Letter calling on Parties to the UNFCCC to End the CDM in 2020 – when the Kyoto Protocol period ends.
The open letter and social media campaign urges policy makers meeting @COP24, that out-dated offsetting mechanisms like the CDM have no place in the Paris Agreement or in a 1.5oC world. For those around the world who would like to join our call please support us on social media and kindly retweet, post and share.
Thanks for your support. Messages will go live @:
“Parties to @UNFCCC protect the integrity of the #ParisAgreement and #ENDtheCDM in 2020!”

In addition to retweeting/sharing our #ENDtheCDM infographics you can support our campaign with additional social media messages anytime:
The Clean Development Mechanism has failed to deliver the necessary emission reductions, we need new climate tools that can deliver for the #ParisAgreement #ENDtheCDM
The world can no longer depend on offsetting mechanisms like the CDM to meet future climate targets #ENDtheCDM for a successful #ParisAgreement
Markets designed under #KyotoProtocol will not get us to 1.5oC. Parties to the #UNFCCC don’t repeat the mistakes of the past and end KP mechanisms in 2020! #ENDtheCDM
See below the CDM greatest hits infographics we have developed (you can access all social media material see below).
We want to filter the meaningless carbon credits out of #CORSIA. This starts with robust eligibility criteria which won’t allow low-quality CDM #credits in the #aviation market.
Stop the bad credits, stop the #CDM broken record‼#ENDtheCDM ➡ @icao
— Carbon Market Watch (@CarbonMrktWatch) November 19, 2018
See more tweet here
Rolling Social Media Campaign #ENDtheCDM
To help disseminate the story of the Clean Development Mechanism and why we need decision makers to agree to end it, Carbon Market Watch has launched the #ENDtheCDM social media campaign using the music industry as our storytelling medium. To highlight the problems with the mechanism over the last decade we are using music reference to throw the spotlight on some of the manifold problems that exist within the CDM and why it can no longer be continued. To this end our cover infographic is a greatest hits LP cover with a list of songs that reflect our concerns while connecting readers to the recognisable hits from the past. (infographic here)
The intention for this campaign is to release these singles in the weeks running up to the UNFCCC climate change conference in Katowice, Poland. Each song will have a corresponding LP single cover and a Media Player designed gif that will give further information relating to each specific issue. The infographics will be available on Facebook and Twitter for retweets and share.
Our intention is that this series of social media content will be received on multiple levels of understanding about the CDM and its technicalities. We hope that climate audiences across the world will be able to take away some of the key lessons from the CDM that will inform national negotiators at COP24 for the future. This campaign also aims to raise awareness to a wider online community of the history and problems of offsetting mechanism through the links we identified through the varies song titles.