Ban ki Moon COP19

Courtesy of

In the early hours of Sunday, 24 November 2013, the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) concluded in Poland, Warsaw. After a 40 hour negotiating marathon, the conference concluded with a package of decisions and an even bigger bunch of undecided issues that will be discussed at the next session in June 2014. For a full analysis of the outcome of COP19 and an overview of our activities during the COP see here.

For more information on our demands we were advocating for at COP19, see below

Key Objectives:

  • Agree  on requirements for clear, equitable and ambitious mitigation commitments to ensure we can stay below 2 degrees warming;
  • Reject a pilot phase for trading carbon market units under the Framework for Various Approaches (FVA) to avoid that the new post-2020 climate regime be undermined;
  • Establish an international accounting framework under the ADP to avoid double counting and allow for net atmospheric benefits to be achieved;
  • Ensure that access to carbon markets be linked to ambition to avoid that no new hot air is created
  • Exclude clearly non-additional project types, such as large power projects, from the Kyoto’s flexible mechanisms CDM and JI to avoid undermining our climate protection efforts;
  • Stop climate finance for coal power and exclude coal power from the CDM;
  • Establish safeguards to protect human rights when climate mitigation projects are implemented under the CDM, the Green Climate Fund, NAMAs or future carbon markets.

For more information on these demands, see below. You can also read up on our work in our daily blog here.


Kick Coal Out_black and white circleFVA redHR logo


NGO Open letter sent to all UNFCCC parties:

 Open Letter (English)

 Open letter (简体中文)

 Open letter (Español)

 Open Letter (Français)

 Open Letter (Deutsch)

 Open Letter (हिंदी)







Carbon Market Watch Event at COP19:

Friday, 15 November 2012, 11:30—13:00 Side Event: Human Rights: How lessons learned from the CDM can inform the design of new market mechanisms

Pictures from Warsaw..



HR logoSee No Evil – COP19 Human Rights Action with the YOUNGOs.

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