Press Release: Centre for Environment & Development launched to host watchdog Carbon Market Watch

22 July 2013, Brussels – Today, a new NGO “Nature Code – Centre of Environment & Development” was launched to host Carbon Market Watch and future initiatives beyond carbon markets. The new organisation has the mission of ensuring that the protection and welfare of all living beings becomes the guiding principle of policy making.

Today’s  launch of Nature Code – Centre of Environment & Development is the result of an initiative by former advisory board members of Carbon Market Watch (formerly CDM Watch), to advocate for policy solutions that genuinely promote sustainable development, environmental integrity and good governance. The aim of the association is to provide decision makers around the world with fact-based advocacy and to involve local communities in decision making processes.

“Nature Code was set up to defend the principle that healthy ecosystems are the foundation of life on Earth and as a consequence, they must be safeguarded and not commoditised. Hence the motto: Our planet is not for sale.” commented Jürgen Maier, head of the German Forum Environment and Development and co-founder of the new association.

Nature Code will work closely with a wide range of civil society representatives and local communities in developing and developed countries affected by climate change and environmental destruction. For the time being, the organisation’s main responsibility will be its watchdog initiative Carbon Market Watch. Originally set up in 2009 to provide an independent perspective on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the initiative has been broadened to cover wider carbon market issues as the policy landscape has developed beyond the CDM.

“Thanks to the large number of dedicated activists who make up our Network, we have led many successful campaigns” said Eva Filzmoser, Director of Carbon Market Watch and co-founder of Nature Code. “With Carbon Market Watch and its new host organization, Nature Code, we are now equipped to expand our work beyond carbon markets”.

To celebrate the launch of Nature Code, you are cordially invited to a reception on Monday, 22 July starting at 6pm at Mundo B, Rue d’Edimbourg 26, B-1060 Brussels. Please RSVP via



Eva Filzmoser – Chair, Nature Code
Tel: +32 2 335 3661 / Mob: +32 499 21 20 81
Email: [email protected]


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