Get involved: End the Age of Coal Global Day of Action

kick coal

On June 29 we will be celebrating the End the Age of Coal Global Day of Action, to coincide with‘s Global Power Shift Conference in Istanbul. Greenpeace International has put together an awesome website for the day of action: check it out at (its not fully functional yet, but almost there!)

The Global Day of Action is an opportunity for us to show the strength of the global movement to end the age of coal by organizing fun actions and publicizing our issues. We are hoping that as many people and organizations as possible get involved in whatever ways you can. Here are some ways you can get involved:

– Organize an action: It can be as simple as holding a placard and taking a picture, and as complicated as you would like it to be. It can be open (promoted beforehand) or secured (promote as soon as it’s live). Email your event details to [email protected] so the coordination team can feature it on the global map and list of events. On the day of the event, we would love you to upload information and photos to the website

– Put your coal fight on the interactive map on the website: These are fights we want people to engage in – prevent a new coal plant, or new mine expansions that are currently being fought. Partners are invited to upload your current fights that you want people to support on the map – info needed is: location, brief description (<100 words), link to your current petition / website. The website should be live in the next day or two for you to do this.

endorse the statement (attached) either organizationally or individually – either through the website or through emailing [email protected] or myself

– send email to supporters and post to social media mid to end of June driving traffic to the website (sample tweets and emails will be sent in advance)

– Join the #endcoal “twitter parade” on June 29, in support of the actions taking place across the globe, and share content from events happening around the world. Suggested tweets will be provided!

find prominent or well-respected individuals (such as medical professionals) to endorse the day of action by providing a short inspiring quote and photo to upload on the website, and ask them to join the #endcoal twitter parade on June 29


Please get involved in whatever ways you can to demonstrate why we must end the age of coal.


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