Piece of carbon market cake only for KP Parties (COP18 analysis)

In Doha Parties also heatedly discussed which countries should have access to carbon credits from Kyoto Protocol mechanisms (CDM, JI and AAUs). While many developing countries strongly advocated that the use of these mechanisms should remain the privilege of countries which commit to binding targets in the second commitment period, some developed countries that were not planning to join a second commitment period (read Japan and New Zealand) lobbied hard to have access to these markets. They used the argument that broadening access would increase the demand and therefore help raise carbon market prices (without raising ambition). Many European countries also advocated for such a broadening of access to markets. In the end, it was the developing countries who won: Parties that do not commit to 2020 targets under the Protocol will not be eligible for using the Kyoto mechanisms.

The final decision text can be found here.


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