Watch This! NGO voices on Carbon Markets #4

Welcome to the post-COP edition of our NGO newsletter “Watch This! NGO Voices on carbon markets”!

At COP18 in Doha, countries did little to address the billion tonne gap we need to close in order to keep us safe from catastrophic climate effects. No new mitigation pledges were made and most loopholes remain. Yet some positive decisions were made: Parties did agree that no new hot air should be created in the next Kyoto commitment period and that only a limited amount of hot air from the first commitment period can be used. Still, decisions in Doha did nothing to ensure that the world will stay below 2 degrees warming, carbon markets keep spreading and common rules are lacking. We’ll need to work together to continue building pressure for real solutions and keep fighting to avoid the worst projects and policies.

In this edition you’ll read about COP18, the game of poker we won on the Titanic and why bad decisions on the CDM might be good news. In our special dossier you can read first reactions on COP18 and carbon markets from around the world including comments on REDD, soil carbon markets, new market mechanisms and more. You’ll also read about why Civil Society needs to be cautious in agriculture negotiations, hear about problematic windpower projects in Mexico and the infamous Bisasar Road landfill project in South Africa.

Watch This! NGO voices on Carbon markets’ appears quarterly in English, Spanish and Hindi with campaign updates and opinion pieces from around the world. If you would like to contribute to the next edition of Watch This! or have any comments, please get in touch with [email protected].


  1. COP18 summary – We won a game of poker on the Titanic!
  2. Fiddling with carbon while farmers go hungry?
  3. NGO Voices on carbon markets at COP18
  4. The Challenge of Deploying Wind Energy in Mexico – The case of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec
  5. The Bisasar Road landfill project: an environmental hazard



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