CDM Watch is organising a lunch event on February 21, 2012 to discuss the key findings of the European Commission’s recently published “Study on the Integrity of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)” as well as important developments with regard to future carbon markets in the EU context.
The CDM is currently at a crossroads. Throughout 2012, the UNFCCC’s CDM Executive Board is conducting a wide-ranging review of the CDM, with a view to retooling it towards becoming a key instrument for financing low-carbon development in developing countries after 2012. As the EU buys the majority of carbon credits, it is in a unique position to influence the direction of the CDM and the development of alternative or complementary mechanisms. In order to address this significant opportunity for reform, the European Commission published its Study on the Integrity of the CDM on the 19 December 2011, presenting findings on (1) Merits and shortcomings of the CDM (2) Reform options at UN and EU level (3) Particular practical focus on hydro power projects (4) Join Implementation track 1 projects.
The lunch event will be kindly co-hosted by MEPs Sabine Wils (DE, GUE/NGL), Bas Eickhout (NL, Greens), MEP Jo Leinen (DE, S&D) and Peter Liese (DE, EPP). CDM Watch have also invited speakers to present the current challenges faced in the carbon market, recommended actions for reform and the role of new mechanisms for private sector financing of mitigation in developing countries.
Lunch Debate: Key Findings of the CDM’s Integrity Study: What Next?
29 February 2012 from 12:30 to 14:30
European Parliament – Paul Henri Spaak P1C047
12:30 Sandwich lunch
12:40 Introduction by MEP Jo Leinen and MEP Sabine Wils
12:50 Presentation of key findings of CDM integrity study, Tanguy du Monceau, Co-Author of Study, CO2 logic
13:10 Troubling project types in the CDM, Anja Kollmuss, Carbon Market Expert, CDM Watch
13:30 Demand side challenges for the CDM and new market based instruments: collapsing carbon markets? Tomas Wyns, Director, CCAP Europe
13:50 International crediting mechanisms – priorities after Durban, Peter Zapfel, Head of Policy Coordination DG Climate Action, European Commission
14:00 Discussion
14.20 Closing remarks, MEP Peter Liese
Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A moderated by MEP Bas Eickhout
Participation by external organisations is welcome. However, due to very limited space in the room, registrations from within the European Parliament will have priority. Please note that all documents will be made public on our website shortly after the event. We thank you for your understanding!
RSVP to Diego: [email protected]