The Board must resist pressure to re-examine NM0297 (Newsletter #3)

At their last meeting, the EB rejected the new methodology NM0297 which would apply to project activities that reduce emissions in degraded tropical peat whose combustibility has been enhanced by artificial drainage for agriculture or another economic purpose and which is exposed to ongoing fire risk. As referred to in the Board’s annotated draft agenda, CDM Watch understands that the National Council on Climate Change, Indonesia and JP Morgan Climate Care have now requested the EB to re-examine NM0297.

While the mitigation of emissions from peat burning in the tropics is important, CDM Watch warns that this methodology has dangerous potential to create a loophole as it is not possible to prove that the emission reductions from these project activity types are permanent. The project activities may only delay the release of the GHG emissions. Therefore, the methodology was rightly rejected.

Action to be taken by the Board: CDM Watch calls on the Board not to reopen the consideration of NM0297 as requested by the National Council on Climate Change, Indonesia and JP Morgan Climate Care.


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