UNFCCC SB38 Side Event: An Equitable Solution to Curb Aviation Emissions

Friday 7 June 2013, 16:45—18:15

Aviation emissions have more than doubled since 1990 and are caused by 3% of the world´s richest population. This event bring together voices from the global south and north to discuss a future global deal that respects equity and avoids false solutions such as large scale offsetting.
Presented by: Bread for the World (BfdW) with contributions from Nature Code – Carbon Market Watch.

POLICY BRIEF –  Turbulence Ahead: Market Based Measures to reduce Aviation Emissions
POLICY BRIEF – International Aviation: Addressing emissions while respecting equity issues
PRESENTATION – An Equitable Solution to Curb Aviation Emissions (E Filzmoser)
PRESENTATION – Mitigating Emissions from International Aviation (B Hemmings)


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