Tianjin, China
1 October 2010
Ahead of the 2010 UN Climate Change Conference in Tianjin we organized a civil society workshop together with GAIA, the China Association for NGO Cooperation (CANGO) and the Chinese Civil Climate Change Action Network (CCAN).
Over 30 Chinese NGOs came together to discuss the CDM in China in the context of the international UN negotiations. CDM Watch updated participants about the state of the CDM and the participation of civil society in the CDM process. Issues related to non-additionality and unsustainable practices were examined and discussed through examples. Mariel Vilella from GAIA raised issues related to waste incinerator plants funded through the CDM and how these are failing to provide sustainable solutions to reduce GHG emissions while creating negative social impacts.
Download presentations below:
- CDM Watch’s presentation: CCAN CDM Workshop_1 October_FINAL
- GAIA’s presentation: CDM and waste_GAIA_CDM Watch in Beijing