Offsets or no Offsets, that’s the question – NGO Strategy Workshop

ngo mtg

On 22 July 2013, we held a full day workshop on the future of offsets and carbon markets internationally, in the EU and in the aviation sector.


  • Session 1: Global developments – UNFCCC (download ppt)
  • Session 2: Offset use in EU climate legislation (download ppt)
  • Session 3: Turbulences ahead! Aviation Emissions ICAO (download ppt)


Background and Objectives

This year will set a couple of important milestones for the future of offsets: Many NGOs are calling for no more offsets in the 2030 climate and energy package. At international level, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is meeting in September to potentially agree on a global market based measure for aviation emissions that could be based on 100% offsetting.

At the same time, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the Joint Implementation (JI) are undergoing reform at the UNFCCC. Facing the damaged reputation of the CDM, UNFCCC delegates have started informal discussions about possibly phasing out problematic project types, such as coal, from the CDM. COP-19 is also likely to propose pilot schemes for a global New Market Mechanism (NMM) and a Framework for Various Approaches (FVA) that could potentially allow easy international trade of allowances and offsets between different schemes, if adopted.

Against this political landscape combined with the lack of ambitious and binding commitments this strategy session has the following objectives:

  •  Providing and overview about the international carbon market debate ahead of COP-19
  • Discussing the differences and rationale for offsets in the ICAO process
  • Discussing the political and climate impact of quality restriction pre-2020
  • Discussing the potentials for regulating offsets in sectors not covered in the EU ETS through the Effort Sharing Decision in the EU pre- and post-2020
  • Setting the stage for NGOs to strategic positioning in the various work streams



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